Saturday, January 25, 2020
Procurement Route Selection and Analysis
Procurement Route Selection and Analysis The purpose of this report is to evaluate the procurement routes of construct a new auditorium with high specification technology for Heriot Watt University. The report includes defining several procurement routes, determining the recommended procurement route for this project. This report also covers the evaluation of influence factors and the potential benefits for adopting the recommended procurement route. Background Heriot Watt University (HWU) is planning to build a new auditorium at the existing grass land next to HWUs park with the land area of approximately 1500m2. The proposed auditorium is single storey with mezzanine floor with total 1950m2 gross floor area. The requirement and the need for auditorium shall be perfect for conferences, lectures and presentations, includes the facilities as following: 200 comfortable tiered seats, high specification technology, multimedia theatre with air conditioning, full size interactive screen and computer driven presentation facilities, In view of the HWU top management has decided to build a new auditorium, the projects procurement strategy has to be formed for achieve the optimum balance of risk, control and funding for this project. 2.0 Procurement Strategy Procurement is the amalgam of activities undertaken by the client to obtain a building (BPS, 2nd Edition, 1990). The projects procurement strategy is established for identify the most appropriate way of achieving the projects objectives and the value for money. The key steps in implementing the procurement strategy as following:- Finding out the real needs for the auditorium project and the projects objectives; Analysis the procurement routes for the auditorium project Evaluating the procurement strategy and the influence factors Implement procurement strategy and design team selection and contractor selection for the project Final handover for operation and review successfulness of the project There are many factors are able to influence on procurement strategy and subsequently influence on the selection of procurement route. We have listed down some most important factors for top management to consider for the procurement route. The project objectives and the clients capabilities HWU with a history dating back to 1821, has established one of the top UK universities. The objectives of the project are to build a new comfortable auditorium with high technology and to be able to complete within the cost limit, to the required quality and within the time constraints. In view of HWU is not a regular developer of works, the risk to HWU for this auditorium project shall be minimized. The HWU shall be the single point of contact and responsibility for the project during design and construction and in the event of the building failure. During the design stage, our HWU top management would like to implement their concerns and reliable ideas into the project. The high specification technology with special equipments would like to require some changes to the design due to the unable fixed cases. Risk management Risk management is critically important to project success. It involves identifying and assessing risk, assigning the right risk owners and continually managing, monitoring and reporting on key risks. (OGC03, 2007) In order to determine the most suited procurement route, the necessary comparison of varies procurement routes such as Traditional Route, Design Build route, Management Contracting Route Construction Management Route, etc will be done. Chosen of any route will have its own risks. When the procurement route is determined, the specific key risks, that HWU adopts, must be managed efficiently. The Project Constraints The constraints of the project are that contractor is able to consider the possible impact on neighbouring buildings and the potential concerns of the neighbours. They shall apply for a new entrance and temporary access to the construction site to minimize the impact to campus. The temporary access shall be reinstated to original. The noise pollution during the day time shall be limited in 75 dBA and in 55 dBA during night time. In order to raise the Environmental, Health and safety standard for this project, we have proposed to use the precast components for column, slab and staircase. The consideration and adoption of precast components is not only greatly simplified the construction sequence but also help to reduce construction wastage with such practices. Another consideration of reduce potential environmental impact is to adopt the interior drywall partition. Interior drywall is widely used in the commercial sector to build staffs offices. With consider the above factors, the procurement strategy shall be based on the following principles and guidelines:- The design should be fully meet the project objectives. The project should be based on a firmed price and limited time to construct. The auditorium must ready for operation by End of 2013 for the new intake in Jan 2014. The contract award should be based on the companys capacity and capability instead of lowest price. Selection of contractor intends low risk to HWU. 3.0 Procurement route selection and analysis Once the procurement strategy has been formed, the procurement route then can be selected with consider the clients specific requirement and how the clients risks will be minimized. Various procurement routes have emerged to identify the procurement systems in current use, some more advanced procurement practices are often used currently as shown in Figure 2. Traditional Procurement Routes The traditional procurement consists of the appointment of designer consultants by client before call for tender, and the appointment of a contractor on the other side after tender. The construction project is managed by HWUs project management with no concurrent sequence works that have to occur by following each other as brief, design, tendering construction. The traditional procurement route is varies in Traditional Sequential route and Traditional Accelerated route. Traditional Sequential route means the Contractors bid will be submitted based on the completed design documents and completed tender cost documents as normal. Traditional Accelerated route has requested the client to appoint the contractor earlier on the basis of partial information by negotiation or in competition. The contractor is able to be involved in the project as early as possible. The contractors experience, knowledge and existing materials and equipments can be considered in the final design. Design Build Procurement Routes The DB procurement route has changed the traditional sequence of work. It requires HWU to develop the tender documents that will send to possible contractors for provide and return their design proposal and relevant cost. DB has met the clients intend for a single-point of responsibility in an attempt to reduce clients risks and control the overall costs. DB is allowed the design and construction works concurrently to reduce the total project duration when compared with traditional routes. DB is also firmed the overall price prior to construction with low cost risk, so that HWU will not necessary to expend huge resources to close involvement. DB is varies in several types such as: Turnkey, Package deal, Design build, Develop construct. Turnkey is adopted the DBs principles and extended the contractors responsibility to include the commissioning and fit-out of facility, that same as EPC (engineering, production construction). The contractor has been placed with responsibility, risk and power and the client has the least risk in all procurement routes. Develop Construct is adopted DB with two-stage tendering and novation for give the client greater control over both design and cost. The client will has the higher risk among DB routes. Refer to Figure 3: Risk distribution among DB routes Management Procurement Routes Construction management is a construction manager who appointed by client to advise the client on a fee basis. The client has to involve into contracts with numerous contractors that requested the client is experienced and has to be totally involved with faster response to decisions. Construction management is normally suitable for complex building project. Management contracting can be defined as a management contractor appointed by client will advise client on the program and buildability. It requires the client a good quality brief and relies on a good quality project team. There are higher risk on the uncertain actual cost and total construction duration when compare with DB route. See below Figure 4: Risk analysis between Client Contractor. Other Procurement Routes There are other aspects of procurement routes such as Prime contracting, Partnering, Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), etc. Partnering is a procurement philosophy that will ensure the cooperating working between client and contractor and the problems can be solved over adversarial attitudes and practices. Partnering, Prime contracting and PPP procurement routes are mostly suitable for major and huge projects. In view of build the auditorium is a small project, it is recommended that these complex procurement routes are unsuitable or unnecessary. Procurement Route Selection In view of build a new auditorium is able to consider as a straightforward small project, we suggest that the Design Build procurement route shall be adopted. DB procurement route has considered and minimized the clients risk. Refer to the Figure 5: Summary of Client Risk in Advance Procurement Routes. The client has to avoid to loss control for the project and to avoid a very high price rate, the Turnkey and Pachage deal are not recommended for adoption in this project. Hence, we are suggesting to adopt the Design and Build to this project. DB is a more refined form of a package deal which obtained recognition from the JCT in 1981 with the publication of the JCT Standard Form of Building Contract with Contractors Design (CD 81). Figure 6 is shown the procedure of DB project. By chosen the DB procurement route, HWU knows the total financial commitment early in the projects life, and also knows that HWU does not introduce changes during the course of the works. DB has advised the direct negotiation and contact way between the client and the contractor. This has improved the communication lines and enabled the contractor not only to fully respond for the contract but also to adapt more promptly to meet the clients needs. The contractor is responsible for the whole of the design and construction of the building. Responsibilities are not split between designer and builder so that the client finds himself looking to separate parties in the event of a building failure. (BPS, 2nd Edition, 1990) 4.0 The Advantages and Potential benefits of DB route When the DB procurement route is chosen for the project, HWU starts out on a path to success by adherence to the objectives, time, cost and quality requirements of the project. Wider Choice of Design By invited three or more contractors to tender for this project, different with the traditional route, more designers will provide wider idea and design intend, HWU has the wider choice to select the best design that has fully understood and achieved the project objectives. Before HWU top management have decision to choose the contractor, they can input their concerns and comments to the design rather than request changes during construction stage. When both HWU and contractor agree with the amendment, the contract is ready to award accordingly. Time Cost Saving DB saves time and cost for the client, HWU, when it is providing the opportunity to achieve innovation in the delivered facility. Time and cost savings result from the ability of the design-build team to fast-track the project by overlapping the design and construction phases of the schedule. Because the HWU does not need to provide a full set of biddable construction documents, cost savings are also associated with design. Reduced Risk with lesser involvement DB allows the client, HWU, to avoid being placed directly between the architect/engineers and the contractor. HWU does not take on significant risk because of avoid the position on direct involvement. Even more importantly, the contractor will take the responsibility for design errors and omissions under DB route, and HWU is able to relive the major legal and managerial responsibilities. From HWUs view, the DB is a tool to fix many problems associated with the traditional route of contracting for design and construction separately and sequentially. We have also compared the procurement routes as shown in Figure 7. 5.0 The disadvantages of DB route A disadvantage of DB is that the contractor may use an existing building system or modular building form so that the contractor can reduce design time and save their own design fee, may lack aesthetic appeal. By chosen the DB procurement route, HWU is able to be aware of some serious failures among building systems and shall undertake careful research before award the contract. There is no independent architect and consultants to advice and to protect HWUs interests, is another disadvantage of DB route. In order to avoid a blind monitoring, HWU can employ an agent to perform this role on behalf. The agent shall supervise the works from brief, tender stage to design and construction stage, until handover the completed project to HWU, to make sure that the contractors proposal and works are complied with the required objectives and standard. Next, once HWU issued the contract, it will be costly for HWU to change the design, materials or works. HWU has to finalize the requirement before the tender and has to finally amend and confirm contractors proposal before sign the contract. Finally, HWU shall be aware of the responsibility for high quality risk. Some contractors concern with simplifying construction activities are able to lead to a reduction in design quality, as a result, it makes design and build inappropriate for this project in which high specification technology is required. Hence, HWU shall write clearly into the brief for the quality requirements. 6.0 The Alternative Procurement Route In case of the client has more concern on the cost control and changes of design and function, we have propose the Traditional Accelerated route as the alternative procurement route. As mentioned early in clause 3.1, Traditional Accelerated route has allowed the client to appoint the contractor earlier on the basis of partial information by negotiation or in competition. The two-stage tendering will be used to appoint a contractor as early as possible to the project. During the 1st tender stage, the design may not be completed and the tenderers will submit a price based on the available information. Until the 2nd tender stage, the additional design information will ready and the packages are finally priced. The client may comprise negotiation with the contractor (winning tender from 1st stage). When the price agreed, the client can award of the contract as traditional lump sum contract to contractor for commence the works. By compare with the traditional single-stage tendering, the benefit of Traditional Accelerated route to the client are: Shorten the tender period and quicker start on site works; Design stage can extend to construction period, may not requested to complete for tender package. By select the Nominated Sub-contractor, the quality is able to control by the client. The contractor can consider their experience to the design and their existing or extra resources to this project, that they may have a lower price package. The traditional accelerated route is suitable for our client who is not required much experience and the quality and buildability may also achieve the requirement. The client has to consider the risks during 2nd tender stage that the contractor may not meet the clients requirement. This can be resolved by spend more time to get alternative contractor involve and seek the agreement. 7.0 Demonstration of procurement Researches on Selecting Project Delivery Systems found that DB projects are delivered 33.5% faster than projects that are designed and built under separate parties. The researches also showed that DB project are constructed 12% faster for construction stage and have a unit cost that is 6.1% lower than traditional projects. (PDS 1998) 8.0 Conclusion The Design and Build is the recommended procurement route to HWU for this auditorium project. In order to achieve HWUs expectations and vision of delivery of the project, HWU is also to be an integral part of the design process. A well completed auditorium project with DB route will include HWU in the initial design process of programming and schematic design, and will include HWUs involvement not only in design stage meetings but also in the further interim reviews of the design, construction, functionality and even aesthetics at various steps along the design and construction process. DB has its ability to consider all relevant factors that would influence the desirability of the project. The best value selection of DB procurement route provides for the consideration of both cost, time and other more subjective factors such as project management, quality control and team reputation.
Friday, January 17, 2020
The duty and role of the producer
As far as the market is concerned, there is the existence of a diverse range of products that are meant for the purposes of human consumption. The duty and role of the producer is to come up with a product to be disposed through the process of marketing to the ultimate consumer. By so doing the goals as well as the objectives of the producer is the generation of profit.It therefore applies that the question of the safety as well as the health issues of the product is not the concern of the producer but a matter of personal issue of the determination of the side effect as well as the harm that may be associated with the consumption of the product.Majority of the products in the market that are meant for consumption are generally unhealthy as well as a cause of death to the human beings. In the consideration of the range of the products that poses health risk to the consumer from the range of fast foods to the tobacco products, the list can only be considered to be endless.However, all these products are usually promoted in the market through the process of advertising, highlighting the best side of the product while the knowledge about the harmful effects is in most cases concealed. However the consequent actions of the consumer are entirely blamed on the advertisement.Advertising is generally understood as the act as well as the practice of creating the awareness of the product to the consumer in view of influencing the behavior of the consumer in favor of the product. It is purely wrong to place the blame of the actions of the consumer on advertising.This kind of situation can be equated to blaming an individual who is entitled to his or her own views. The advertising agencies and the product owners should instead, take the blame. Across the majority of cultures and especially the United States the responsibility of the personal choice has been eroded and people otherwise point fingers in alternative directions (Fox 98).The concept of advertising forms a major segment in as far as the society is concerned. Through advertising, the public attention with regard to the existing products, the needs as well as the services is sensitized. There exists no boundary as to the effects aroused by the practice of advertisement with regard to the potential harm inflicted on the body of the individual.The advertising companies push the harmful products to the disposal of the user. It should however be remembered that the ultimate use reserves the final judgment with regard to the use or abstinence from the use of the product. In contrast to this fact, it has been evident that majority of the people have laid the poor choices made by the consumers on the advertising companies.The tobacco as well as the alcohol industries is among the most notable industries that have been the target in as far as the blames of this category are concerned. The concept of personal responsibilities among the majority of people have been eroded, a situation that has resulte d to the consideration of the advertising industry as a scapegoat for the poor associated with the consumers (Goodrum 145).It is an obvious fact that the majority of the individuals will be adamant in as far as the issue of admitting to the reality is concerned but all in all connecting advertisement to the wrong judgment of the consumer is not justified.This can only be taken as the absence of the potential capacity of the individual to exercise personal responsibility with regard to the choices that the individual is in a position to take as well as implement. To exonerate themselves, the poor choice of the consumer is pegged on advertising as the scapegoat.It is a common practice for people with weak willpower to blame others for the poor judgments that they make. The process of making coherent decisions is rooted in the potential capacity for the people to shoulder their personal responsibilities.The fact that an advertisement has been aired is not an implication that it should be wholly embraced but rather the individual is at liberty to enjoy or disdain the product targeted by the advertisement (Fox 158).
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What If Airline Regulations Never Existed - 1606 Words
Many years before the Federal Aviation Act was created, the airline industry grew with little to no rules for safety. The skies filled with aircraft each year, always adding more numbers than the previous years. Imagine an aviation world where safety was never even thought of. How do we control and monitor all the aircraft in the skies to ensure they all reach their destinations safely. What if airline regulations never existed? Would aircraft just fly till parts literally fell off? Who would be the responsible party to clean up after an aircraft accident? These are the reasons that the Federal Aviation Administration was created. The modern age of powered flight began with Orville and Wilbur Wright making their first sustained powered flight at Kitty Hawk N.C. in December 1903. The Wright brothers along with other aviation pioneers like Glenn Curtiss, Samuel Langley, Thomas Baldwin, and Octave Chanute all new the extreme danger that flying presented. As the aviation pioneers began to perfect the art of flying, the need for safety grew as well. As time passed new planes and technologies were being made to enhance safety. Commercial operations like the use of aircraft in World War I and the early service of the airmail furthered these advances in flight safety. Airmail operation began as an idea that airplanes could be useful in delivering the mail faster than the railroads (Lawrence, 2014 pp.79). This idea subsequently kicked off commercial aviation. By 1911 experimentalShow MoreRelatedRed : Chinese Triads : An Example Of A Red Organization1324 Words à |à 6 PagesRed ââ¬â Chinese Triads Red organizations have existed since the beginning of life. The textbook uses the wolf pack example to illustrate how leaders in red organizations need to harness their power to control others. A leader within a red organization must maintain their power so that no one below them attempts to take the crown. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Wister s Relationship Between The Virginian And Many...
Owen Wister develops relationships between the Virginian and many of the other characters. By doing this he shows how friendships either form or are never thought of. Some of the relationships are the Judge, Molly, and Trampas. The Virginianââ¬â¢s relationship with the Judge and Molly are good relationships, but the one with Trampas is not. His relationship with the Judge becomes a friendship because the Judge finds him trustworthy. Molly also becomes a friend of the Virginian because he is trustworthy, but the friendship, which later becomes a bond between the two of them, is made because the Virginian is a gentleman. Finally, from the beginning, the Virginian and Trampas were enemies. This shows a non-friendship that started with the two charactersââ¬â¢ first encounter. These relationships will show the nature of friendship in The Virginian. One of the first relationships that formed was between the Judge and the Virginian. This friendship is present because of trust. At first the Virginian is only a cowboy who works on a ranch, but he is later hired by the Judge as foreman. At this point the Judge trusts the Virginian greatly. The reason the Virginian is a trustworthy worker is because he he gets his job done efficiently. He also takes it upon himself to never abuse his power. He wants to have employees under him, but he does not want overpower his workers. The Judge has a good and trusting friendship with the Virginian. The Virginianââ¬â¢s workers have this same
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